【品牌介紹】分子英文代表精準猜題的意思,主打學測/會考命中率九成以上,創始人Oliver擁有22年的教學經驗,結合大數據分析和獨家的單字快速背法,希望能把每位來分子英文的孩子教好,並傳授給他們英文有用且有趣的教學內容。 【產品服務】國/高中英文教學|全民英檢|多益|托福|雅思|劍橋英檢|英文會話
- 免經驗可
- 彈性排班
- 同事可愛
所有職缺 (2)
1月前時薪$183 ~ $700台中市南屯區
Part-time Children's Picture Book Reading Companion Teacher needed: ◆Location: 近文心森林公園站 ◆Time:10:00-12:00 Sunday morning ◆Requirement: 1.口音標準、英文聽說讀寫流利,口音標準能夠全英文上課 Accent must be standard, with fluent English listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, and the ability to conduct lessons entirely in English. 2.具備至少一年以上經驗 Must have at least one year of experience. 3.與家長與學生能夠溝通良好 Must be able to communicate effectively with parents and students. 4.敬業長期配合、不隨意臨時請假 Must be dedicated, willing to cooperate long-term, and not take leave without prior notice. ◆Payment: depending on experience and skills. ◆Teaching material: School offering textbooks and self-designed teaching material are both ok
1月前時薪$200 ~ $500台中市南屯區
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