◆ 領先全台的雙語兒童及青少年之運動課程 ◆ The leading bilingual youth sports program in Taiwan! 【品牌介紹】 【產品服務】成立於2012年,GDS籃球學院致力於以全英語教學並提供最高層級水準的 運動課程與訓練給台灣青少年。學院教練團來自於世界各地,每位教練 於各自領域皆享有著專業的知識與教學經驗,提供青少年獨一 無二兼具樂趣、密集性、與創新先進的訓練課程。在GDS籃球學院,我們的 理念是以最正向的方式與鼓勵來協助與教導所有的學員來達成他們的 目標。課程與教學也著重於學員的體適能、內在精神層面、與個人技巧 加強等內容。GDS籃球學院除了提供的整年度訓練課程與特別活動之外, 也提供客製化的私人課程與寒暑期夏令營,歡迎家長來電洽詢活動內容與資訊。 Founded in 2012, GDS Academy (GDSA) is an English-Speaking Top Flight Sports Program focused on the development of youth sports in Taiwan. Equipped with a team of Professional Coaches from all over the world, GDSA brings to you a one-of-a-kind program that focuses on FUN, INTENSIVE, and PROGRESSIVE training in Basketball & Soccer for kids 5 to 18 years of age. At GDSA, our philosophy is that children should be taught in a Positive manner, with encouragement to help them do their best in whatever they do. Programs are grouped based on physical & psychological development and skill proficiency level. As an all-year-round program, GDSA not only provide continuous weekend curriculum and special events, but also 1-on-1 private lessons and private group sessions. Feel free to drop by at any one of our gyms to check us out!
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